Roundtable session 2

Saturday, February 13

2:45 - 3:30 PM

To join a session, click on the Join Session Link for the session for which you are presenting or would like to attend.


Roundtable 5-A

Empowering College Women in Leadership Roles

Olivia Dyer, Nicole Araujo, Katherine George, Paulina Fernandez, Savannah Wegener, Jakai Wade, Emilee Lopez, Leanna Gonzalez
Hillsborough Community College

Then and now, women fight to become recognized in leadership roles. As college women, we are provided education to take on the roles we desire, but sometimes we do not feel equipped to accept the challenges before us. Through discussions, activities, and supporting materials, we will exercise the confidence that is inside each of us to encourage and empower ourselves and one another, in leadership roles.

Roundtable 5-B

Going Beyond Adaptation and Towards a Growth Mindset

Kelley Torregiante
Hillsborough Community College

Faculty and students are invited to participate in this roundtable discussion about moving beyond adaptation to survive, and towards a growth mindset that helps us embrace the challenge and stretch our existing abilities, while having fun along the way! In addition, faculty and students can also share ideas about how to utilize the virtual classroom to build unique, engaging experiences into existing curriculum. The goal is to share, inspire, and support each other. Please join!

Roundtable 5-C

Direct Admission Pathways to 4-Year Programs

Cayla Lanier, Charles Adams, Thomas Smith, Fai Howard
University of South Florida

The Judy Genshaft Honors College at USF has developed a Direct Admission Pathway for honors students transferring from any 2-year Florida school. We will discuss the details of this specific program, while also making space for a larger conversation about honors-to-honors transfer within the state of Florida. Panelists will include the Dean and Campus Directors of the Judy Genshaft Honors College, as well as USF’s Assistant Dean-Upper Level Initiatives. Session best suited for Deans/Directors.