Roundtable sEssion i


1:30 - 2:15 PM

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Roundtable 2-A

Inter-Cultural Communication

Iman Assalmi
Amsterdam University of Applied Science

I would like to give an informative presentation with firstly theory, my own experience as an immigrant with a Middle Eastern background in the Netherlands and how I experienced and managed cultural differences. After that I would like to make it interactive to hear other people’s experience and cultures. And as a closure how post pandemic we can adjust to certain changes in each other’s life and how to deal with it and how making effort to understand someone else’s point of view is so important.

Roundtable 2-B

An Examination of the Post Pandemic Honors Community

Adriel Poo-Armas
Hillsborough Community College

The global pandemic has been one of the most impactful events of the 21st Century. It has shifted communities and it still reshapes us as new challenges arise. In the Honors Community, students and faculty alike are affected and, although demanding, we adapted. In this session we will look into the honors community and share our experiences as we strive to continue to overcome this challenge, thus, contributing to successful post-pandemic honors programming.

Roundtable 2-C

Propagating Honors Digital Academic Literacy

Tarruck Wheeler, Celia Roberts, Deenah Liario
Palm Beach State College

Honors Students must rethink their approach to learning to make education more functional in an ever more digital world. This round table discusses the future of honors academics in a digital space where honors students can engage in meaningful discussions, disseminate scholarly research, and propagate a conducive learning environment for the shared community.