2022 Annual Conference: Empowering Honors: Reshaping the Honors Community post Pandemic


Palm Beach State Honors College Logo

On behalf of the Florida Collegiate Honors Council and our conference host, Palm Beach State College, I would like to invite you to attend the 2021-22 FCHC Annual Conference. 

The conference will begin the morning of Friday, February 11th and end in the afternoon Saturday, February 12th.  The conference will be held virtually.

The theme for the conference is “Empowering Honors: Reshaping the Honors Community post Pandemic.”  We hope that Honors students and faculty will use this conference as an opportunity to share their ideas about the future of Honors students in a global society and the future of Honors studies; how technology has supported us, how mental health has been in the forefront for many, and how we can have positive takeaways to reshape Honors.

Through this conference we hope to create an honors academic community that is high spirited even in a virtual world. Therefore, we welcome you to take advantage of what the 2021-22 FCHC Annual Conference has to offer by presenting your research, engaging with Honors students and faculty from throughout the state and internationally, and taking what you learn back to your home campuses.

We look forward to seeing virtually in February 2022!


Marcella A. Montesinos
2021-22 FCHC Conference Chair
President-Elect, FCHC


2021 Keynote Address: Dr. Talithia Williams