FCHC Conference etiquette Guidelines - virtual conference

To ensure a positive conference experience, we ask that participants follow these guidelines: 

  • Be considerate of when session times begin and end. If you need to leave early, please wait until a presenter has finished their presentation. 

  • Please arrive to the session for which you are presenting at least fifteen minutes early. 

  • Presenters should set-up and test PowerPoint/share screen before attendees arrive. 

  • Show respect for the presenters by turning off your electronic devices and eliminate other distractions. 

  • Moderators should be in every session to make sure presentations run the appropriate length and to moderate the Question-and-Answer session afterward, if, for some reason, they are not there, present in the order you are on the program. 

  • Dress appropriately for the entire conference – business or business casual. 

  • Do not attend the virtual conference while driving, lying in bed, sitting in a busy room, working at your job, or any other situation you would not be able to do if it was live/in person. 

  • Use chat for pleasantries but keep it to a minimum once the presentation(s) begin. 

  • Ask questions! 

  • Raise your hand for questions at the end of presentations. 

  • Roundtables are formatted for conversation, so please have cameras and mics on and be ready to participate.